
Youth serving organizations including schools and nonprofits in Fannin County are invited to submit a letter to request a grant from Chi Lambda each year.

Deadline: Extended to April 15

Send to:
Chi Lambda
P.O. Box 84
Bonham, Texas 75418

Grant letter guidelines:

  • Letter should be typed on your school or youth organization’s letterhead
  • Letters should generally be 1-2 pages long
  • Include a description of what you do for children in Fannin County and how many children you serve
  • Describe what you need funding for and how this funding will benefit children
  • Tell us how much money is needed from Chi Lambda; if your project needs more funding than what can be provided by Chi Lambda alone, please tell us about other sources of funding you have for the project

Grant amounts given will vary, depending on how much money was raised at our Bingo event and the number of applicants. Most grant amounts will be between $500 – $2,000.